Technology Musings Episode 10

Be careful what you wish for: An overview of Kubernetes apiVersions

When working with Kubernetes, we all frequently make calls to retrieve or create resources. Whenever we run kubectl apply or kubectl get, we are requesting that an object be added to or retrieved from the database. When we write a manifest, we always include an apiVersion attribute but what does this mean and how does Kubernetes respond to different values?


When working with Kubernetes, we all make calls to retrieve or create resources all of the time. Whenever we run kubectl apply or kubectl get we request an object is added or retrieved from the database. When we write a manifest, we always include an apiVersion attribute but what is does this mean and how does Kubernetes respond to different values?

In Kubernetes, whenever there is a request to create objects (Pod, ConfigMap, etc) they are stored in the K8S database etcd before some controller reacts to its creation or modification. These objects always include an apiVersion attribute and unlike other systems which run their own API server and may respond to requests of different versions separately before processing then storing them in the DB as the new version, Kubernetes doesn’t. It allows the extension of its API server so that you can just focus on writing the controller, not the API server. As a result, it’s important to note the different experiences this may result in to what you would expect.

The first thing to note is that it will only ever store a single copy of the requested resource. What this means is, if there are multiple versions of the GVK (Group Version Kind) available (say v1 and v2) it will only ever maintain one or the other. However, it’s key to understand that you will be able to request any version which is defined in the API schema as served. This is most notable in Custom Resource Definitions, which are the official way to extend the Kubernetes API with your own resource definitions and controllers and describe how only one version can ever be stored at on any one time.

CRDs are becoming more and more common in recent years and the big cloud providers are now providing their own operators for creating cloud resources. For example, Google offers Config Connector to be added to your own cluster or a fully managed version through GKE Enterprise and its Config Controller feature (which Mesoform is leveraging as a core technology to our new developer platform, Athena).

What this all means for version management and upgrades will be discussed in more detail in another article. However, first we’ll look at the simple experience an operator may have with these different versions.

Be careful what you wish for

What you ask for is what you will get.

First off we should cover how Kubernetes can say that it’s going to server multiple versions of a resource but only ever store one version. The simple answer is that it transforms whatever version you ask for (as long as it’s defined as a served version on the CRD) into whatever version is the storage version and vice versa; and it does this in-flight.


But the stored version has different fields to the served version

This is true, and usually why there would be a different version in the first place. So, how does it know what to present back to the operator? Well, it does so by implementing one of two strategies:

none: This first one is simple, there is no strategy defined and it does the best it can and hopes that the API developer understood the consequences of the differences between each version. This usually means that whatever is the stored version must include all of the fields available in all of the served APIs and set some sensible defaults for each version, so as not to lose data.

webhook: This option means that the API developer has also created some additional code which is used to modify the request. It’s a webhook because the Kubernetes API will send the operator’s request to this bit of code to be transformed before it processes the object to be stored in etcd.



A particular note is also worth mentioning about watches. As a human operator, you may not think about this much but as a developer of a software operator, you may be inclined to consider this as a way to determine conditions in your code or entire versions of code bases (i.e. running two controllers side-by-side to support both versions together). Because Kubernetes stores only one version in etcd and transforms it to match the requested version, the apiVersion property cannot reliably indicate which code to execute. You always get a version of what you're asking for when you set-up the watch.

For example, if the user is requesting apiVersion: v1alpha1, the stored version is apiVersion: v1alpha2 but you’re watching apiVersion: v1alpha1, apiVersion: v1alpha2 and apiVersion: v1alpha3, you will see watch events for every single version, and the object returned will have the specific apiVersion you requested.

When you open a watch against a resource you are asking the server to provide you a representation of the stored resource from etcd and in the schema of the version you specify. Optionally including the type of operation causing the last state change (e.g., ADDED, DELETED).



In this example, we will create a new custom resource and then modify it while observing two different served versions of the API schema.

Our custom resource definition is as follows and for the purpose of the example, you could just create this with a kubectl apply -f testwatches.devops.mesoform.com_crd.yaml and test. However, we have controller code watching this resource so we can demonstrate a set of events.

Some elements to note here are that both versions (lines 15 and 51) are served (lines 47 and 86), only v1alpha2 is stored (lines 48 and 87) - because only one version can be; and v1alpha1 only has oldProperty (line 38) but v1alpha2 has oldProperty and newProperty (lines 74 and 76).

The next thing we will do is create watches against both versions:

[√]> kubectl get --watch=true --output-watch-events=true -o yaml
[√]> kubectl get --watch=true --output-watch-events=true -o yaml

Notice the version in the middle of each resource type and that we’re setting --output-watch-events to see what type of event produced the last change.



Now we need to create a resource of type TestWatch. To do this, we run kubectl apply -f testwatch_manifest.yaml which looks like:

 Here we asking to create a v1alpha1 version which only accepts oldProperty field
After running the apply we see the following output on each watch:


First of all, let’s cover what’s going on:

  • It can be seen that both watches get a stream of events

  • The type of events seen by both watches are the same

  • There are 3 events, 1 x ADDED (line 31) and 2 x MODIFIED (lines 54 and 93)

  • ADDED is pretty self-explanatory. We created a new resource and the full -o yaml output is what was created (with some version differences we’ll come to in a minute).

  • MODIFIED events were created by our controller and the -o yaml output shows us what changed. In both cases, the controller was updating the status conditions as it progressed through its control loop. You can see the first modification was to show that the controller was Running reconciliation; and the second modification was to show that the Last reconciliation succeeded and is now Awaiting next reconciliation (plus some other status info)


All of these show up on both watches. However, a closer look reveals some differences:

  • Wherever apiVersion (lines 2, 34 and 57) is output what is presented is whatever the specific watch asked for

  • The spec for all v1alpha1 events only have one property oldProperty

  • The spec for all v1alpha2 events have two properties oldProperty and newProperty and newProperty has taken the default value "" because it wasn’t set by the user.


The default version

The experienced operator has probably noted something about the example above. We don’t normally specify any version with our get, describe or create (with -f it’s normally specified in the manifest file) and our command would normally be something like kubectl get -o yaml, so in this case, what version do we get?

So the obvious assumption is that we get whatever version is persisted to etcd but this would be wrong. The Kubernetes API has defined a priority order for versions and the default version is whatever version has the highest priority. So in our case we receive a v1alpha2



Here we’ve given a summary of versions of resources, how Kubernetes handles requests for different versions. We can see that it’s not quite as many would expect it to be. What did we learn?

  • Be careful what you wish for because whatever you ask for is what you’ll get.

  • If you ask Kubernetes for a specific version, the API will transform whatever is stored in etcd to the schema of the specified version

  • As a result, you can’t really watch for a specific version

  • As a developer, if you need to be doing anything with different versions, you should consider using Conversion Webhooks

  • As a developer, definitely pay close attention to what properties are stored and their default values

  • The default version for a request which doesn’t specify an apiVersion is the version with the highest priority.

  • Without being able to run etcdctl get using the etcd client - which in almost all Kubernetes case, we can’t - we have no idea what version is persisted to the database.


Partner with Mesoform to create robust Kubernetes solutions. Whether you're scaling infrastructure or developing custom controllers, we're here to collaborate.

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For more than two decades we have been implementing solutions to wasteful processes and inefficient systems in large organisations like TiscaliHSBC and HMRC, and impressing our cloud based IT Operations on well known brands, such as RIMSonySamsung and SiriusXM... Read more

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