Crypto Trading App Deployed On Serverless Infrastructure

Crypto Trading App Deployed On Serverless Infrastructure: A Customer Success Story

In this particular project, Mesoform was employed, not only to provide site reliability, cloud and DevOps engineering but a complete technical architecture and technology management over the whole project. Guiding platform engineering, software engineering and DevOps, as well as architecture and UI design, our holistic approach aimed to optimise project performance and functionality in order to deploy a Crypto Trading App for a crypto trading startup.

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To be able meet demands of many users investing, tracking investments and automated trades, a scalable, lightweight and secure app deployment was needed for the trading app backend and the web frontend. To ensure that the business had a streamlined approach to app deployment to reduce management overhead and have a consistent approach for both was key to the overall architecture.

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Our implementation included building and deploying portable container images to Google Artifact Registry and then run the apps from those images using Google Cloud Run. We configured this with Serverless VPC access to route requests through a private VPC and set up load balancers with serverless Network Endpoint Groups and Cloud Armor, so that services in the VPC could access the service with the default Cloud Run endpoint and were only publicly accessible through the external load balancer with web filtering enabled.



The Cloud Run service endpoint became secure, and accessible solely through designated services in the VPC, effectively cutting off public access and only available through the load balancer. The image build and deployment style was the same for both, reducing management and Cloud Run configured to autoscale appropriately.

When facing the challenge of securing and expanding a trading app's backend and front end, Mesoform found a game-changing solution. They used Cloud Run and Serverless VPC access, which made a huge difference. Cloud Run allowed us to manage app components effortlessly. It made scaling easy and kept things agile by using containers. Serverless VPC access added another layer of security by creating a safe network environment, protecting sensitive data and keeping potential threats at bay.

This combo not only boosted security but also made managing everything much simpler. Automation took care of routine tasks, freeing up time for more important tasks. Plus, it boosted scalability, ensuring the app ran smoothly even during busy times.

In short, Mesoform's use of Cloud Run and Serverless VPC access transformed the app's deployment by beefing up security, simplifying management, and boosting scalability.

As IT specialists, Mesoform can help your business overcome similar challenges and provide efficient solutions in comparison to competitors.

To find out how Mesoform can help your business become more secure, stable and efficient contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


If you would like to discuss any of these topics in more detail, please feel free to get in touch


About Mesoform

For more than two decades we have been implementing solutions to wasteful processes and inefficient systems in large organisations like TiscaliHSBC and HMRC, and impressing our cloud based IT Operations on well known brands, such as RIMSonySamsung and SiriusXM... Read more

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