Displaying items by tag: softwareengineering

DevOps was supposed to revolutionise software development with faster releases, improved collaboration, and higher-quality applications. But for many organisations, the reality is far from ideal. Teams often face a tangled web of tools, inconsistent processes, and bottlenecks, leading to frustration and inefficiency.

The root of the problem? Common DevOps anti-patterns that derail even the most well-intentioned teams. The solution? Our Athena Developer Platform, a powerful tool designed to eliminate these pitfalls, streamline operations, and empower developers to achieve more.


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About Mesoform

For more than two decades we have been implementing solutions to wasteful processes and inefficient systems in large organisations like TiscaliHSBC and HMRC, and impressing our cloud based IT Operations on well known brands, such as RIMSonySamsung and SiriusXM... Read more

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