Displaying items by tag: Platform Engineering

Cutting corners by making developers handle non-specialist tasks might seem like a money-saver, but it often backfires. Every distraction, whether unnecessary meetings or out-of-scope work, slows progress. Context-switching is an invisible drain on productivity, and if ignored, it can derail entire projects.

The fix? Platform engineering and internal developer platforms (IDPs). By centralising and automating development workflows, IDPs remove distractions, keep developers focused on their core work, and ultimately save time and money.

This blog unpacks why context-switching is so damaging, its impact on performance, and how an IDP can be the key to eliminating it. If you want a more productive development team and real cost savings, read on…


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For more than two decades we have been implementing solutions to wasteful processes and inefficient systems in large organisations like TiscaliHSBC and HMRC, and impressing our cloud based IT Operations on well known brands, such as RIMSonySamsung and SiriusXM... Read more

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